
Showing posts from June, 2021

8 Wild Fan Theories to Speculate on

Fan theories are ideas or speculations intended to explain unanswered questions or create new interpretations about a particular work. They attempt to “see” through a story, beyond its available content. Fan theories can either speculate on a finished work, or what happens next in an unfinished one. These theories can take a variety of forms, from the highly unlikely to more plausible hypotheses. However, most are flimsy at best, and collapse upon closer scrutiny. But the quality of the theory itself doesn’t matter much, as the majority of fan theories are there primarily for entertainment. Sometimes the original writer even encourages these kinds of what-ifs to generate more buzz for their stories. And it works! There’s no shortage of fans who are willing to comb through their favorite novels in an attempt to find something they can speculate on. Craziest Fan Theories About Books It’s impossible for a writer to create a truly complete story—”complete” in the sense that it satis

12 Online Creativity Courses to Ignite Your Imagination

It often seems like some people are just born with a creative gene that allows them to generate brilliant ideas for songs, businesses, designs, and more. But in recent years, research has shown us that creativity can in fact be learned. That means no more excuses—no more are you limited to the sidelines, watching as others with the “creative gene” seem to pull genius ideas out of thin air. You too can learn to be more creative, and an excellent way to start is with online courses. Online Creativity Courses for Writers and Artists Below are several online creativity courses for writers, artists, or anyone aspiring to enhance their creativity more generally. 1. Creative Thinking: How to Be More Creative This creative thinking course offers a comprehensive overview of what creativity really is, why you should want to be more creative, and effective strategies you can use to boost your creativity. You’ll discover: barriers to creativity and how to overcome them how the brain

10 Charles Dickens Quotes to Make You Look Wise

One of the most prolific writers during the Victorian Era, Charles Dickens wrote 15 books and several dozens of essays, novellas, and short stories. He is also one of the most often quoted of the classic authors, with many of his lines having made it into modern conversation!  Have you ever used the term, “Bah, humbug”? Well, you probably know this line came from Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol, whether you read the actual book or only watched one of the many film and cartoon adaptations.  Best Charles Dickens Quotes to Mull Over  Whether you read Charles Dickens books or not, many of his quotes are very insightful on their own. Check out the following list and chew on these thoughts; who knows when they might come in handy in your conversations or writing?  Trifles make the sum of life. If you’ve read David Copperfield , you will likely recognize the understatement of this line, because the protagonist actually endured tragedy after tragedy throughout his young life. Bu

11 Thought-Provoking Paulo Coelho Books

Paolo Coelho’s books have inspired the world over, having sold over 175 million copies in 67 languages.  He has effectively used his experiences from adolescence of being put in a psychiatric hospital, and later, a life-changing pilgrimage in his adult years, to share timeless wisdom with his readers.  11 Must-Read Paulo Coelho Books If you’ve never read any of Paulo Coelho’s books, here are some tips to help you pick your next read:  1. The Alchemist   In the book that won Coelho worldwide acclaim, Santiago is a shepherd boy who longs to travel and find a certain treasure. As he journeys across the desert, he finds a far different—but definitely more satisfying—treasure than he expected. This book will teach you the value of listening to your heart.  2. Warrior of the Light This is a companion book to The Alchemist , with short passages that invite readers to live out their dreams and rise to their individual destiny. This collection of stories is just as philosophical a

20 Untranslatable Words You Didn’t Know You Needed

Do you ever find yourself at a loss for words when you’re trying to describe a particular emotion or situation? The English language has more than a million words in total, but some things just can’t be described in one word alone. But other languages have stepped up to fill in the gaps, neatly summing up even the most obscure experiences, from sipping that first cold beer of the summer, to waking up early just to hear the birds sing. In this post, we’ll take a look at the untranslatable words you didn’t know you needed. Some are weird, some are hilarious, and many are beautiful. Untranslatable Words Without further ado, here are 20 untranslatable words that have no direct counterpart in English. 1. Ya’aburnee (Arabic) Definition : literally translates to “you bury me,” but is used as an expression of love. This Arabic term is used to express hope that your loved one will out live you, because you know life would be unbearable without them. 2. Litost (Czech) Definition : the

25 Winnie the Pooh Quotes to Brighten Your Day

If you think Winnie the Pooh is only for children, then you’re a “silly, old bear.” As an adult, there’s plenty to like in the stories. For one, there’s the nostalgia they bring—but Pooh’s stories also feature themes that are relevant for people of all ages. Best Winnie the Pooh Quotes Winnie the Pooh has always been full of funny, witty, and profound quotes about a wide variety of subjects, including life, friendship, love, and growth. Here is a list of the best quotes you’ll read or watch from the numerous books, films, and tv series concerning everyone’s darling bear: “How do you spell ‘love’?” “You don’t spell it… you feel it.”  Piglet and Winnie the Pooh “What day is it?” “It’s today.” “My favorite day.” Christopher Robin and Winnie the Pooh “Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.” Winnie the Pooh “It never hurts to keep looking for sunshine.” Eeyore “Any day spent with you is my favorite day. So, today is my new favori

How to Translate a Book: 7 Tips for International Success

As an author, you know how exciting it is to finally see your work published. Soon, you might start brainstorming ways to reach a wider audience and expand your market. One option is to get your book translated and market it to international audiences. In this post, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about choosing the right markets, translating your book, and building success abroad. How to Translate a Book The following tips will help you evaluate the foreign market for your book, find the right translator, and publish your translated book for more readers to enjoy. 1. Decide if your book needs to be translated. Before you spend time and money hiring a translator, decide whether a translated version makes sense for your book. One way to get a feel for this is to review your existing international sales. For example, if you notice some international sales coming from Italy, that might be a good sign that your book could do even better there if you translate it i

Where to Find Book Giveaways: 8 Sites That Offer Free Reads

Few things will catch a book lover’s attention faster than the words “free book,” especially if it comes from their favorite author or genre. Fortunately, there are loads of sites and blogs that run book giveaways and offer readers the chance to preview new books. In this post, we’ve rounded up some of the most trusted options that will help you keep your library fully stocked. 8 Book Giveaway Sites Below are 8 sites that offer free book giveaways you can win through a raffle, or by request in exchange for an honest review. 1. Goodreads Goodreads runs hundreds of giveaways each week. You can browse them by “Ending Soon,” “Featured,” “Recent,” or “Popular.” Many of the books that are given away on Goodreads are pre-release copies that authors and publishers provide in an effort to get early reviews and spread the word about their books (although writing a review is not a requirement if you win). You can easily track the giveaways you’ve entered, and each giveaway lists the numbe

7 Mary Oliver Poems That Will Make You Appreciate Nature

If you like reading poems about nature, Mary Oliver’s work should be high on your list. Her poems bring even the most tranquil aspects of nature to life, from still ponds, to quiet owls in their perches, and even the tiny flutters of hummingbirds.  Oliver’s poems have won the Pulitzer Prize and a National Book Award, among many others, helping her gain much-deserved recognition as a visionary poet along the lines of Ralph Waldo Emerson.  7 Beautiful Mary Oliver Poems Here are some of Mary Oliver’s works that will surely give you a new perspective of the beauty of creation:  1. Hummingbirds In this excerpt from “Hummingbirds,” see how Oliver uses unexpected imagery to describe hummingbirds, presenting them as “tiny fireworks”:  The female, and the two chicks,  each no bigger than my thumb, scattered, shimmering  in their pale-green dresses; then they rose, tiny fireworks, into the leaves and hovered; then they sat down, each one with dainty, charcoal fee— each one on a