
Showing posts from December, 2019

Apart vs A Part: Which One Should You Use?

They’re separated by just a space, but apart and a part have 2 different meanings and should not be used interchangeably. Read on to learn more about the difference between the two and how to properly use each in a sentence. When to Use Apart Apart serves as an adverb or adjective. It can be used to describe two or more things that are at a distance from each other, or to say that something is excluded from consideration (in other words, aside ). As an adjective, it describes people who hold different opinions. The word originated from the Latin ad (meaning “to”) and pars (meaning “a side”). This makes sense when w e think of the phrase “set apart,” which means to set something to one side. See the examples below of how apart can be used as an adverb or adjective. Adverb: The two towns are 20 miles apart . Adjective : The jurors are still apart . More Examples of Apart in a Sentence Apart from a slight cough, she was feeling much better. That dress is coming apart at

18 Online Email Marketing Courses

Nowadays, business owners need to find ways to make their businesses profitable in the online world. You can reach your potential clients through social media, content, and, of course, email. Email Marketing Courses Email marketing involves sending messages that advertise your product, while still conveying a sense of personal connection. Every email sent to either a potential or current customer is a form of email marketing. Here is our list of 17 email marketing courses to help you get started with those emails. Free Email Marketing Courses 1. Internet Marketing for Smart People Email Course From Copyblogger comes the  Internet Marketing for Smart People Email Course . The course works through 4 themes that introduce students to the key concepts every online marketer must learn. Key topics include: Building relationships Direct response copywriting Content marketing Having something worth selling Price: FREE 2. Hubspot’s Email Marketing Certification Course W

35 British Slang Words We Should All Be Using

Having a good understanding of colloquialisms and local dialects is essential if you want your writing to sound authentic and believable. But regardless of whether you’re writing a novel set in London, moving to the UK for a new job, or simply need a good laugh, learning some British slang words can certainly come in handy. British Slang Words Below are 35 British slang words and phrases that are sure to knock your socks off. 1. Arse Behind, tush, caboose—however you call it, arse is British slang for “buttocks” and there are dozens of variations that use this word that could probably fill a dictionary of their own. Example: We laughed our arses off at Tom’s jokes. 2. Bagsy Like calling “shotgun” or “dibs,” to “bagsy” is to stake your claim on something, most commonly used by kids (note: not actually legally binding). Example: He bagsied the best seat before anyone else had even arrived. 3. Bloke Basically the equivalent of an American “dude.” Example: He’s a nice b

Council vs. Counsel: What’s the Difference?

Council and counsel can be easily confused, especially when spoken aloud. However, these two words have different meanings, so if you want to avoid spreading that confusion with your writing, you’ll need to know how to use each. Read on for definitions and examples that will help you to understand council vs. counsel . Council Definition Council is a noun that refers to a group of people who are formally constituted and meet regularly to advise, consult, or discuss specific matters. Common examples are city councils or student councils. A council might also be appointed as an advisory or legislative body, meeting to deliberate laws or issues until the issue at hand is resolved. Examples of Council in a Sentence Below are several examples of council in a sentence: The council met to discuss the implementation of the new city tax. Before making major renovations to your home, you must have your plans approved by the city council . The council members met early this mor

8 Best Journal Apps to Track Your Gratitude, Health, and Memories

Keeping a journal can provide a number of proven health benefits, including help with depression, anxiety, and stress. However, finding time to sit down and scribble out your feelings with a pen and notebook isn’t always easy. But one thing you probably always have within reach? Your phone! Journaling doesn’t require a fancy leather-bound notebook or fountain tip pen. You can track your thoughts with pretty much anything, from a napkin, to loose leaf paper, and, of course, apps! There are some pretty fantastic journal apps out there that can help you track your memories, health, gratitude, and more. Most will even send you reminders to help you stay on track with your journaling goals! The Best Journal Apps We’ve compiled a list of the 8 best journal apps that make staying in tune with your thoughts and feelings easier than ever before. Check out our top picks below! 1. Day One Day One makes journaling fun and easy with user-friendly templates that will inspire you to write,

8 Common Job Interview Questions (And How to Answer Them)

If you want to make a great impression at a job interview, there are quite a few things you’ll want to consider as your prepare, like what you’ll wear, what time you’ll arrive, and how many copies of your resume you’ll need. But while these are all important considerations, none of them will matter quite so much as what you’ll say.  Different employers might have their own unique approach to the interview process, but there are some standard questions that you’re likely to run into sooner or later on your job hunt. Having a thoughtful response in mind for these questions can help boost your chances of nailing a job offer. The Most Common Job Interview Questions It’s hard to predict exactly which questions your interviewer will ask, but there are a few classic standards that you should be prepared for. 1. Tell me about yourself. This one seems so simple—yet if you’re not prepared for it, it can be hard figuring out where to start. You can start by offering a brief overview of wh

Advise vs. Advice: What’s the Difference?

Advise and advice are often used interchangeably in writing. However, doing so is certainly not advisable: these words represent two different parts of speech (verb and noun, respectively) and are even pronounced differently. Read on for more on the difference between advise and advice so you can learn how to use each appropriately in writing and in speech. Advise vs. Advice The primary difference between advise and advice is summarized below: Advise (pronounced ad- vize ) is a verb, which means to give advice , or to make a suggestion or recommendation. Advice (pronounced ad- vais) is a noun. It’s the thing that someone is offering when they advise . It’s a recommendation or suggestion. Definition of Advise Advise is a verb. It’s what guidance counselors, lawyers, and parents do regularly. (Oh, and don’t forget Tom Hagen in The Godfather ). From advise comes a number of related words, including: Advisor (one who gives advice) Advisory (containing advice, as in

Into vs. In To: What’s the Difference?

Into and in to are separated by just a space, but the two actually cannot be used interchangeably. Whereas the former is a single word that is often used as a a preposition, the latter is composed of 2 separate words that sometimes happen to fall next to each other in a sentence. Make your writing more clear and effective by learning when to use into and in to properly. When to Use “Into” “Into” is a single word that is most often used to indicate insertion or inclusion. However, it can also be used to indicate a transformation (think “turned into ” or “changed into “). As a Preposition As a preposition , into can be used to indicate position or direction, as in when something is placed within or inside something else. Into should be used any time that you’re describing something that ends up inside something else (like a box, container, or even a timeframe). See the example sentences below of common phrases that are paired with into: Examples She placed the dog into i

What Is Rhetoric? Definitions and Examples to Make Your Writing More Effective

If you want to be an effective speaker or writer, you should be well versed in the artful use of rhetoric. In fact, the most influential public figures—from politicians to philanthropists—are almost guaranteed to illustrate skillful rhetoric in their speeches, since they depend on it to persuade audiences. Read on to learn more about how you can use rhetoric and rhetorical devices for more effective writing and discourse. What Is Rhetoric? Rhetoric refers to the art of persuasion. It’s one of the 3 ancient arts of discourse, alongside grammar and logic. Mastery of rhetoric is an essential skill for politicians and career public speakers, since it utilizes various methods to persuade, influence, or please audiences. You might be familiar with rhetorical devices and rhetorical appeals, including ethos , pathos , and logos (which, to be clear, are distinct from literary devices). Whereas literary devices and figures of speech can alter the meanings of words (think metaphors ),

Prepositional Phrases: Definition, Examples, and Tips

Prepositional phrases usually provide additional information, which can make sentences more descriptive and clear. However, when too many prepositional phrases are packed into a sentence, we could get the opposite result: confusing run-ons. Learn how to use prepositional phrases efficiently in order to make your writing more detailed without sacrificing elegance. What Is a Prepositional Phrase? To understand prepositional phrases, you’ll first need to understand prepositions. A preposition is a word that indicates a relation to another word or element, and usually precedes the noun or pronoun that it modifies. Examples of common prepositions include in , to , out , on , before , and after . Prepositional phrases, then, consist of a preposition and the object it governs (a noun, gerund, or clause). For example: My sister lives by the lake. In the sentence above, “by” is the preposition, and “by the lake” is the entire prepositional phrase. Prepositional Phrases Examples Belo

Negative Personality Adjectives: How to Describe Your Favorite Antagonists

Sometimes it’s fun being bad. Other times, however, you might be looking for a strew of colorful adjectives that convey just how bad someone else is. Whether you’re trying to describe the antagonists of your own life or your manuscript, accurately describing characters (both naughty and nice) requires creative adjectives that convey that personality. Using positive and negative adjectives can help you to effectively express your thoughts and help your audience to better understand your subject. Describing Personality with Adjectives Every adjective can evoke a number of feelings, both good and bad. This makes it really important to choose your words carefully and consider their connotation , since even slightly similar words can carry quite different meanings. Adjectives that Describe Negative Personality There are lots of adjectives you can use to describe a negative personality . Knowing a few of them can be handy not only in writing but also in conversations, where it is imp

7 Social Media Strategies Authors Use to Sell More Books

No matter what you write or how you choose to publish, the majority of authors can agree on one thing: social media has redefined the way books are promoted. You no longer need to rely on the traditional press system for a successful book launch—you’re not at the mercy of a publisher that chooses to promote your book to a certain group of bookstores , and you don’t need a million dollars in marketing money to reach your goals. With a well-thought-out social media plan and a bit of creativity and effort, you can promote your book to millions of potential readers. But what’s the best way to get started with social media? Social Media Marketing for Authors You don’t need to spend thousands of hours online to start using social media to promote your books effectively. Here, we go in-depth on 7 proven ways to sell more books with social media marketing. 1. Create a Facebook Community around the Theme of Your Book One of the best ways to promote your book online is to create a Faceb