
Showing posts from August, 2018

10 Things You Should Know About Amazon Self Publishing

If you’ve been thinking about using Amazon to self-publish your book, here are some things you should know before you jump in. 1. It’s Free to Publish You don’t need to pay thousands of dollars to a self-publishing services company to publish your book on Amazon. It’s totally free to create all your accounts and publish your book on Amazon. To self-publish an eBook on Amazon Kindle, just create a KDP account at  and then download our free Kindle Self Publishing Checklist and go through those steps to publish your eBook. To self-publish a paperback book, you can create a free account at  and follow the steps in our free Paperback Self Publishing Checklist. To self-publish an audiobook, you can create a free account at and follow our guide on how to make an audiobook . 2. Editing is Crucial The #1 reason self-published books fail on Amazon is poor editing. Even if you’re an exceptionally talented writer, you still need a go

How to Write a Book Proposal: Including a Template, Samples, and Instructions

When non-fiction authors ask me, “How can I write a book proposal” or “Do I need a proposal if I write a how-to book?” I often say, “You only need a book proposal if you want to get your book published.” It’s true. Agents and editors don’t want to see a completed book nonfiction book most of the time. They don’t have time to read a complete book. They want to see a proposal that sells your book idea  and gets them excited to work with you. The #1 thing literary agents, acquisitions editors, and publishers must know before deciding whether or not to publish a nonfiction book is: “Will tens of thousands of readers buy this?” That’s what matters, and so that’s the information publishing gatekeepers need to do their jobs well. You can’t answer that question just by reading the book; you have to understand who the author is, what their goals are, and what their marketing plans are. That’s why you have to write a book proposal. Note: You can download our free book proposal template

How to Get Rid of Stress Once and For All: The Key to Reducing Stress is Solving the Problem

I used do think stress was something outside of my control. I would say things like, “I’m stressed out because of work,” or “It’s really stressful to have to deal with that person.” But the truth is, you are (almost) completely in control of managing your stress. Some amount of what we call stress is unavoidable. When you or a loved one gets sick or injured, you’re going to feel stressed. But the question is, what should you do about it? Let’s talk about a simple process you can follow to deal with your stress effectively. What Causes Stress? Stress is caused when your body released stress hormones or neurotransmitters like cortisol to alert you and your body to a potential threat. You evolved to survive, and the body’s stress response was a key factor that enabled your ancestors to each survive and reproduce successfully for millions of generations. In other words, you would never have been born without stress! So stress is a normal and natural biological process designed t

How to Make an Audiobook: A Guide to Self Publishing Audiobooks

There are a few ways you can go about making an audiobook as a self-published or indie author. Basically, you can either record the audio yourself or hire a professional narrator or narration company. After the audio has been recorded, it needs to be edited and mastered, and then you’re ready to upload your audiobook files, click publish, and start selling audiobooks. Let’s cover all your options in more detail and show you how to make an audiobook today. How to Record an Audiobook If you want to try out recording your own audiobook, follow these steps. 1. Create an Audiobook Script Many folks skip this step, but it will save you time and help you create a better audiobook recording if you create an audiobook script before you sit down to record your audiobook. It’s a quick and easy process and our guide to creating an audiobook script will walk you through each step. 2. Get Professional Audio Editing Software The first thing you want to do if you plan on producing an audiob

Harold and The Poopy Little Puppy by Ellie Crowe

Watch on YouTube here: Harold and The Poopy Little Puppy by Ellie Crowe Via

I Want to Write a Book: Here’s How to Do It

If you’ve been saying, “I want to write a book” for some time now, then you’re in the right place. In this post, you’re going to discover everything you need to know to get started on writing your first book. This post contains links to everything you’ll need from writing to finding a great editor to getting your book published. Now let’s talk about what to do first as soon as your brain lights up with the idea that you want to write a book. 1. Write Down Your Book Idea Quick! Before your idea runs away or you start to lose interest, write it down. There’s something fascinating about how the human brain works; when you write something down it suddenly becomes “real.” That dream, wish, or hope you’ve been holding on to for years starts to crystallize in the form of ink on paper, and what once seemed impossible now becomes possible. 2. Realize That You Can Do It You can write a book! No matter what your background or experience is, you can become an author. You don’t need any s

Harold and The Poopy Little Puppy 080718b

Watch on YouTube here: Harold and The Poopy Little Puppy 080718b Via

30 Mystery and Thriller Literary Agents Now Accepting Submissions

Are you looking for a literary agent to help you sell your mystery or thriller novel to a publisher? If so, you’ll love this curated list of 30 top literary agents that are currently accepting open submissions for mysteries and thrillers. 1. Carrie Pestritto Carrie is currently with Laura Dail Literary Agency. She spent six years at Prospect Agency before coming to her current agency. “I am looking for thrillers, but am looking for more high-concept thrillers aimed at a female audience rather than police procedurals.” Agency website: Personal website/link: Manuscript Wish List: 2. Bernadette Baker-Baughman Bernadette is a literary agent at Victoria Sanders & Associates. She has a special interest in thrillers. Bernadette prefers to have a long-term partnership with authors whose tastes for thriller novels match hers. Agency website:

How to Write Better Text Messages

Text messages are now the most common form of communication between human beings in many countries. In other words, if you want to learn to communicate better and have better relationships, you really need to learn how to write a good text message and communicate well through texting. Here are the 8 ways to write better text messages: 1. Write Clearly You must write clearly in a text because it’s very easy to misinterpret written words, especially when your writing contains typos, grammatical errors, or misused words. While texting puns and meme gifs can be a great way to bond with someone, you’re not actually communicating much beyond, “I’m funny, let’s play a fun game together.” But texting puns and memes will only get you so far. When it comes to building meaningful human relationships, you need more than a funny gif. You need to communicate some kind of action or intention. To do that, you must write with concrete language and speak your intentions clearly. Bad text exampl

How to Overcome Writer’s Block Once and For All

Writer’s block is real. And it can destroy your chances for success if you let it. It’s that stuck feeling you get when you don’t know what to write. It’s that pit in your stomach when you’re freaking out because you have to deliver something on a deadline and you can’t even seem to write a few words on the page. If you’re going through writer’s block right now, know that you’re not alone. And you can fix the problem if you follow the steps in this post. I used to suffer from writer’s block. It ruined my career until I learned how to fix it. Without making these changes, I would never have been able to write 27 books and thousands of blog posts. The good news is I’ve interviewed hundreds of successful writers who figured out how to get rid of writer’s block, and I’ve studied the process of writing (and what stops people from writing) intimately. So I’ve discovered a few writer’s block cures that will work wonders if you try them out. Writer’s Block Causes Before you try out

How to Be Financially Free: 12 Money Habits for Building Wealth

Despite what you may have heard, money is necessary for long-term happiness and survival (if you live in a society where money is used and you don’t grow your own food). This is obviously true because you need money to buy food, and without consistent access to food you will suffer greatly and die early. That would make being happy pretty tough. So, money is at least as important as food, because you’ll need it to acquire food (and to get other things in life, like a place to live). Anyone who says food isn’t important is insane. Therefore, anyone who says money isn’t important is also delusional—they’re not seeing the world clearly. I want to help you learn how to better deal with money so you can earn it, save it, invest it, and use it more wisely to take better care of yourself, your loved ones, and to do good things in the world that are important to you. In this post, I’m going to share some of the biggest lessons I’ve learned about money that I think will add value to your