
Showing posts from April, 2018

Why Novels Get Rejected: Acquisitions Editors Share What They Look for in Manuscript Submissions

Why Novels Get Rejected Many writers have asked us this simple question: “Why did my book get rejected?” There are two ways you can answer this question: either you, the author, made some mistakes with your manuscript or the editors, publishers, and literary agents of the world are all wrong. I sincerely hope it’s that you made some mistakes, because if the problem lies within you, then the solution lies within you too. If every literary agent and editor in the world is messed up, there’s nothing you can do about that. But if you made some mistakes, you can correct them, improve your writing skills , and become successful as an author if you’re willing to put in the effort and time it takes to learn and grow as a writer. Our editors have put together their list of the most common reasons why novels get rejected. Before you come to the conclusion once and for all that the acquisitions editor just couldn’t see the genius in your work or had a bad day, consider if your work makes th

11 Things Good Writers Do: The Writing Habits of Successful Authors

Recently, TCK Publishing posted a job opening for a new Blog Manager . Within a few weeks, we had hundreds of writers apply for the position. Most just didn’t make the cut. So, what separates a great writer from an average one? Employers, publishers, and editors are all looking for good writers—and they’re harder to find than you might think. It takes serious dedication and commitment to go from an average writer to a good (or even great) one. Whether you want to be an author, blogger, content creator, copywriter, or poet, becoming a successful writer takes hard work and a lot of practice. That’s why the best writers all have a certain set of habits that ensure they are constantly writing, learning, and improving. Here are the things good writers do that set them apart from the competition. 1. Write Every Day Writing is a lot like exercising. It’s better to do it regularly than to try to cram it all in at once. Good writers write consistently every day ; great artists work th