Publishing Newsletters: Where to Find Updates for Publishers, Authors, and Readers

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Just a few decades ago, if you wanted to stay up to date on the latest news and trends in your industry, you’d subscribe to a trade publication or journal, which would be delivered to you in print form (and usually for a fee).

Today, things are much easier. You can subscribe to email newsletters and get the latest, most important news neatly wrapped up and delivered straight to your inbox, usually for free.

In this post, we’ll show you 13 of the best publishing newsletters that offer important updates and insightful features for publishing professionals, authors, and readers.

Publishing Industry Newsletters

These publishing newsletters offer news updates and insights on everything concerning the publishing industry, including sales trends, mergers, and more. Publishers, authors, agents, and others in the industry can learn a lot from these newsletters.

1. Publishers Lunch

Publishers Lunch is the newsletter of Publishers Marketplace, the “biggest dedicated marketplace for publishing professionals” where you can find the latest info on deals, sales, reviews, agents, editors, and more.

You can sign up for the free version, or opt for Publishers Lunch Deluxe, which you can get by signing up for Publishers Marketplace for $25/month.

2. PW Daily

PW Daily is the daily newsletter of Publishers Weekly, a printed news magazine, but you can get PW Daily for free.

By signing up, you’ll get daily news round-ups on everything from sales trends, to book fairs, reviews, author updates, and more.

3. Publishing Perspectives

The Publishing Perspectives newsletter is a project by the Frankfurt Book Fair that delivers international publishing news, along with insightful opinion pieces and interesting features profiling key publishing figures.

Sign up for free to get their newsletter emailed to you daily Monday through Friday.

4. Publishing Trends

Publishing Trends is aimed at publishing professionals and is another great source for publishing news and trends.

Their newsletters include opinion pieces, data, a monthly international bestsellers article, and a bi-monthly people round-up, as well as occasional feature articles on industry trends.

For Authors

The following are especially beneficial to writers and aspiring authors, as they offer tips for writing books and navigating the publishing process.

5. Electric Speed

Jane Friedman’s free bi-monthly newsletter, Electric Speed, is a go-to resource for writers looking to learn more about publishing a book, with tips on everything from querying agents to self-publishing.

Electric Speed also comes with free downloads, digital tools, and resources Jane herself has used to build a successful writing career.

6. Authors Publish

Authors Publish is a helpful newsletter for authors that regularly sends out submission opportunities that are free, open to everyone, and from legitimate publishers.

Plus, they’ll also show you how to gain more readers, win over editors, and build a long-term writing career. Signing up is free.

7. Writer’s Digest

Since 1920, Writer’s Digest has been an essential resource for authors and writers. When you sign up for their free email newsletter, you can get free writing tips, publishing insights, and expert writing advice delivered straight to your inbox.

Some of the emails you’ll get include “Monday Motivation,” designed to spark creativity and productivity, and “Publishing Insights” every Thursday for those looking to get published.

8. Freedom with Writing Newsletter

Freedom with Writing is focused on helping writers find quality, paid writing jobs by sharing lists of commercial magazines that pay, as well as tips for earning money as a freelancer.

When you sign up for their free newsletter, you’ll get lists of publishers that pay writers, companies currently hiring, and articles to help you be successful.

9. TCK Publishing

TCK Publishing is an independent publisher of both fiction and nonfiction with many resources available to help authors.

By signing up for our newsletter, you’ll get important industry updates, expert advice, and links to our helpful how-to posts on writing and publishing, whether you’re pursuing the traditional route or are interested in self-publishing.

We also have a book deals newsletter that readers can sign up for to get exclusive offers for books on sale for $0.99 or less delivered straight to their inbox.

For Readers

These newsletters provide the latest on new releases, book reviews, and essential publishing news.

10. Shelf Awareness

Shelf Awareness offers book reviews and industry news, as well as links to articles that interest readers from around the web.

They have two different newsletters, one aimed at readers looking for new books, and another that is primarily reserved for trade news.

11. Literary Hub

Lit Hub’s free daily newsletter rounds up “the best of the literary internet,” including book recommendations, essential publishing news, and interviews with authors and creatives.

12. Book Riot

Book Riot offers 19 different newsletters, so there’s something for every kind of reader. Some include round-ups of must-read new releases, while others focus on book deals.

There are also genre-specific newsletters for sci-fi, YA, and others. You can sign up for one (or all) Book Riot newsletters for free.

13. USR Monthly

The US Review of Books sends out a monthly newsletter featuring books its writers reviewed that month and which ones they recommend.

This is one simple way readers can discover quality books to add to their TBR lists and stay up to date on the latest buzz surrounding new releases.

Stay In the Know with Newsletters

Publishing newsletters are a great way to stay up to date on the latest industry news, trends, and more, whether you work in publishing, write books, or just enjoy reading them.

They’re also an extremely convenient way to get news that matters to you, as they’re delivered automatically to your inbox on a recurring basis.

Do you have a favorite publishing newsletter? Tell us about it in the comments below!


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The post Publishing Newsletters: Where to Find Updates for Publishers, Authors, and Readers appeared first on TCK Publishing.


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