11 Inspiring Books Like The Alchemist

Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist is one of the most thought-provoking, inspiring books ever written. Whether you enjoyed it for its fable-like quality, the adventures experienced by the protagonist, or the self-discovery element, most likely you loved its life-changing effect more than anything.

Reading books with a personal legend theme is a great way of learning more about yourself and the things you want in life. 

Thought-Provoking Books Like the Alchemist

If you enjoyed The Alchemist, here are some other books you can check out. 

1. The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran 

If you enjoyed the wise ideas that Paulo Coelho shared in The Alchemist, Kahlil Gibran’s The Prophet is a great next choice. These poetic essays give insight, with a Middle Eastern flair, into a wide array of subjects written with an authentic voice. 

2. Arabian Nights or A Thousand and One Nights

This collection of stories, or rather, stories within stories within stories, are told by the legendary Princess Shahrazad in her desperate attempt to avoid being killed by the king. These include animal fables, fantasy adventures, and more unforgettable tales.

3. The Secret by Rhonda Byrne 

This is the bestselling phenomenon that will teach you how to govern your life using a secret found in literature, oral tradition, philosophy, and religion. The wisdom shared in this book comes from both modern-day and ancient wise men.

4. Life of Pi by Yann Martel 

Like The Alchemist, Life of Pi also follows a boy’s journey, except that in this book, he’s lost at sea with an orangutan, a tiger, a hyena, and a zebra. The author effectively combines the philosophical with the fantastical in this highly entertaining read. 

5. The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón

This novel is set in Barcelona in 1945, after the Spanish Civil War. Daniel is the son of an old book dealer who finds comfort after his mother’s death in a strange book called The Shadow of the Wind. When he tries to find other works by the author, Julian Carax, he’s surprised to find that somebody has been intentionally destroying all the copies of all the books Carax has written. 

6. The Book of Speculation by Erika Swyler

Simon Watson is a lonely librarian who searches for the key to a curse that seems to be killing off the women in his family, with the time ticking toward the July 24th date, which is always when a tragedy occurs. 

7. White Fang by Jack London 

In this book, Santiago has a close connection to the animals he encounters, including sheep and camels. Jack London’s expert storytelling along the theme of perseverance makes it a great read for self-discovery and understanding. 

8. Hans Christian Andersen’s Complete Fairy Tales

If you liked the fairy-tale and fable-like quality of The Alchemist, you may also like this collection of 168 classic fairy tales, retold by Danish master storyteller Hans Christian Andersen. 

9. Hinds’ Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard 

This allegory follows a lame girl named Much Afraid on her journey through the mountains, as she escapes her family Craven Fear and growing into her new identity as the beloved of The Great Shepherd. 

10. Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan 

This epic allegory follows Chrsitian as he journeys to the Celestial City and meets countless friends and enemies along the way. Like The Alchemist, it’s a book of self-discovery and growth, showing parallels between the life of faith and the adventures that Christian undergoes. 

11. Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom 

This thought-provoking memoir shares many of the important life lessons that the author learns from his weekly visits to an older mentor. It’s considered one of the most popular inspirational books of all time. 

Reading Inspirational Books 

Making a habit of reading inspirational books is important, so that when times of discouragement come, you have a source of ideas and insights to keep you going. 

Connecting with some of the greatest minds in history is one of the best ways to help you soar to your fullest potential, and thankfully, we have access to them through the books they write! 

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