How to Have More Energy: 10 Simple Tips for a Natural Boost

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Energy is a precious commodity that too little of us seem to have, yet everyone seems to be selling. If you browse any grocery or drug store, you’ll see aisles of beverages, supplements, and other magical potions that promise to bring you more energy—even 24 hours of it!

But what if you already had everything you needed to boost your own energy levels? Simple choices and lifestyle adjustments can actually have you feeling pretty fine and fresh in no time, and in this post we’ll show you how you can reclaim your vitality by making small changes.

How to Have More Energy

Start practicing the 10 tips below to ensure that your energy tank is always full.

1. Be mindful of how you spend your energy.

One possible reason you may feel low on energy is that you are spreading yourself too thin. Take a break to reflect on where and how you spend your energy. Are you trying to do it all? Taking on too many new projects at work? Trying to participate in too many events at your child’s school? Keeping your calendar packed with one social event after the other?

Make a list of priorities that will help you plan your life in a way that doesn’t exhaust all of your energy reserves. If you find you’re taking on too much, practice saying no or setting boundaries, so you can say yes and give more of your energy to what really matters to you.

2. Spend time with people who lift you up.

Just as certain tasks and activities can suck up your energy, so too can certain people. You know who I’m talking about—those folks who are always full of negativity, complaints, or never-ending problems that seem to be their own doing.

Even if you’re having a great day and feeling dandy, spending more than a few minutes talking to these people will make you feel like you’ve just been put through the wringer. All of a sudden, even if their problems don’t really become yours, they’re sapping your energy as if they were directly affecting you.

Learn to gently let go of these people, and instead spend your time with people who lift you up, support your ideas, and lead to greater productivity.

3. Let go of negativity.

On a similar note, you shouldn’t dwell on the negative or become a downer yourself. Find a healthy way to let go of negativity, like through journaling or meditation.

Holding on to bad feelings or memories is a big waste of energy, and a sure way to make you feel tired, frustrated, and discouraged. Instead, focus on all the things you are grateful for, so you’ll have a whole bank of positive vibes to support you and fuel up your energy tank.

4. Exercise.

While doing jumping jacks or going for a jog may seem counterintuitive when you’re running on fumes, moderate exercise is actually one of the best things you can do to boost your energy.

Exercise gets your heart pumping, which delivers more energy to your cells and circulates oxygen, so you feel more awake and alert. It also ensures that you’ll sleep more soundly, while elevating dopamine levels for a mood lift at the same time.

If you find you’re forced to sit too much at work, check out our creative ideas for fun ways you can work out at work (whether you’re commuting or working from your home office!).

5. Spend time outdoors.

If possible, pair your exercise time with some time well spent outdoors. Take a brisk walk around your neighborhood or in a park to connect with your nature.

Spending time in the great outdoors has been shown to increase your productivity, improve your focus, and even boost your energy. In fact, studies have shown that just a 20-minute walk outside can give you all energy-lifting benefits of a cup of coffee!

6. Don’t consume caffeine after 2 p.m.

As a coffee fiend myself, I know how much some of us can depend on our cup of Joe to keep us awake and functioning in the morning. So while there are many benefits to quitting caffeine altogether, I’m not going to tell you to do that, so don’t click away just yet!

The important thing is that you consume caffeine in a way that suits your sleep cycle. As caffeine can cause insomnia, it’s best to have your coffee before 2 p.m. if you want to get a good night’s sleep later in the evening.

7. Stay hydrated.

Staying hydrated is essential to maintaining high energy levels, and a 2015 study found that 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated!

Even if you think you’re working your tail off to reach that recommended 8-glass daily minimum, it may not be enough to keep you adequately hydrated throughout the day, especially if you consume caffeine, alcohol, or high amounts of sodium.

Fatigue is one of the first signs you’ll experience when your body is short on fluids. You can infuse your water with flavor by adding fruits, such as strawberries, kiwis, or citruses, which are also very hydrating.

8. Take your vitamins.

Not to sound like your mother here, but taking the right vitamins can also help you to stay energized.

Women in particular tend to suffer more often from low iron levels, which can lead to low energy and even anemia. Taking an iron supplement can help (although you should consult your doctor before you start taking them on the daily, because it is possible to overdose on iron).

9. Take a power nap.

Pushing your brain too hard and overloading it with information (much of which is probably irrelevant) is another way to sap your energy.

However, research has shown that a 60-minute power nap can reduce those effects, while also helping you to better retain the information you have absorbed.

As sleep loss is cumulative, you can’t really “catch up” from a night of little sleep by just by getting the recommended 8 hours the next night. Power naps can help to recharge your batteries and replenish your energy reserves.

10. Eat the right foods.

Food is one of the most efficient sources of energy, as it is the fuel that keeps your body running, so make sure you’re giving it the highest quality fuel you can.

Vitamin supplements are necessary for most of us, since it’s practically impossible to get the required minerals and vitamins you need from food alone. Nevertheless, Mother Nature has done an excellent job packing nutrients into natural sources of food.

Let’s take a look at which foods are most efficient when it comes to energizing your mind and body.

Which Foods Give You More Energy?

While there are many healthy foods you can indulge in to boost your energy levels, here are some of the most effective and nutrient-filled:


  • Bananas
  • Avocados
  • Apples
  • Oranges
  • Strawberries

Recipe to try: Breakfast Energy Smoothie


  • Sweet potatoes
  • Spinach
  • Kale
  • Beets

Recipe to try: Kale and Sweet Potato Sauté

Grains and Seeds

  • Brown rice
  • Quinoa
  • Oatmeal
  • Chia seeds
  • Flax seeds
  • Pumpkin seeds

Recipe to try: Pumpkin oatmeal


  • Fatty fish (like salmon)
  • Eggs
  • Yogurt
  • Beans
  • Lentils
  • Chicken

Recipe to try: Moroccan chicken and lentils


  • Dark chocolate
  • Hummus
  • Edamame
  • Green tea

Recipe to try: Easy hummus

Why Is Your Energy So Low?

While there are many factors that could lead to low energy, it often arises from stress, hormonal changes, a poor diet, or not enough exercise. Simple lifestyle changes, and practicing the tips outlined in this post, can usually help to rebuild your energy.

If you feel you’ve been experiencing an unexplainable decrease in energy, it may be a good idea to consult your doctor, so they could diagnose any potential underlying issues.

Take Care of Your Body

Many of the steps you can take to restore your energy are also good for your overall health. Don’t forget to take time for you with a little self-care, as this will help you to be more present (and awake!) for the moments that really matter to you.

For more healthy ideas that will help you treat your body right, check out our posts on at-home workouts and online nutrition courses.

Do you have any tips for maintaining higher energy? Share them in the comments below!


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The post How to Have More Energy: 10 Simple Tips for a Natural Boost appeared first on TCK Publishing.


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