187 Book Cover Designers That Create Spectacular Art
Finding a great book cover designer used to be really hard.
But not anymore! Here’s our list of 187 of the best book cover designers in the world.
List of Book Cover Designers
Note: The pricing, turnaround times, and types of designs done vary from one designer to another, so don’t just hire the first cover designer you look at.
Make sure the designer you decide to work with has designed books for your specific genre or niche before, and that they’re comfortable designing a cover in the style you’re looking for. For example, some designers only do photo manipulation with Photoshop, while others do much more advanced illustration work.
1. 1106design
Website: www.1106design.com
2. Damonza
Website: www.damonza.com
3. Ebook Launch Cover Design
Website: www.ebooklaunch.com
4. JD Smith Design
Website: www.jdsmith-design.co.uk
5. 17 Studio Book Design
Website: www.17studiobookdesign.com
6. Derek Murphy at Creativindie Book Covers
Website: www.bookcovers.creativindie.com
We interviewed Derek Murphy about how to design a bestselling book cover, so definitely check out that interview to learn more about book cover design principles and strategy, even if you don’t plan to hire Derek.
7. Books Covered
Website: www.bookscovered.co.uk
8. BookCoverCafe
Website: www.bookcovercafe.com
9. Extended Imagery
Website: www.extendedimagery.com
10. Jessica Bell Design
Website: www.jessicabelldesign.com
11. Cover Design Studio
Website: www.coverdesignstudio.com
12. Robin Ludwig Design
Website: www.gobookcoverdesign.com
13. Mars Dorian
Website: www.marsdorian.com
14. Ebook Launch
Website: www.ebooklaunch.com
15. The Book Cover Whisperer
Website: www.professionalbookcoverdesign.com
16. Syd Gill
Website: www.sydgill.com
17. Alexandra Brandt
Website: www.alexandrajbrandt.com
Website: www.beautebook.com
19. Fiona Raven
Website: www.fionaraven.com
20. Scarlett Rugers Book Design Agency
Website: www.booksat.scarlettrugers.com
21. Book Design
Website: www.books-design.com
22. Karrie Ross Book Cover Designer
Website: www.bookcoverdesigner.com
23. Streetlight Graphics
Website: www.streetlightgraphics.com
24. I do book covers
Website: www.idobookcovers.com
25. Covertopia
Website: www.covertopia.com
26. Cover My Book
Website: www.covermybook.org
27. Vision Press
Website: www.myvisionpress.com
28. Kindle Station
Website: www.kindlestation.com
29. Indigo
Website: www.designbyindigo.com
30. Candescent Press
Website: www.candescentpress.co.uk
31. Joshua Jadon
Website: www.joshuajadon.com
32. Duncan Long
Website: www.duncanlong.com
33. Junriel Boquecosa
Website: www.jboquecosa.wix.com
34. Epicenter Creative
Website: www.epicentercreative.com
35. Eden Graphics
Website: www.edengraphics.net
36. Kingwood Creations
Website: www.kingwoodcreations.com
37. DesignOnClick.com
Website: www.designonclick.com
38. Hampton Lamoureux
Website: www.ts95studios.com
39. Grace My Cover
Website: www.gracemycanvas.com
40. WordSugar Designs
Website: www.wordsugardesigns.com
41. The Book Cover Designer
Website: www.thebookcoverdesigner.com
42. McCann
Website: www.ebook-coverdesigns.com
43. Bienvenido A. Swinton Jr.
Website: www.vlood.portfoliolounge.com
44. Sanja Gombar
Website: www.bookcoverforyou.com
45. WSDG Book Design
Website: www.wsdgbooks.com
46. Burak Ulker
Website: www.burakulker.deviantart.com
47. Breeze Books
Website: www.breeze-books.com
48. Hudson Valley Book Design
Website: www.hudsonvalleybookdesign.com
49. Elena Dudina
Website: www.elenadudina.com
50. dePinho Design
Website: www.depinhodesign.com
51. Sam Wall
Website: www.samwall.com
52. Van Garde Imagery
Website: www.van-garde.com
53. Dissect Design
Website: www.dissectdesigns.com
54. Andrea Reider
Website: www.andreareider.com
55. Dave Kessler
Website: www.davekesslerdesign.com
56. Nico Illustration and Book Cover Design
Website: www.nicofineart.com
57. Life Guide
Website: www.goodlifeguide.com
58. Michelle Watts
Website: www.michellethemerrier.com
59. Fiction-Atlas Press LLC
Website: www.fiction-atlas.com
60. MaryDes
Website: www.bookcoverdesigns.eu
61. MoreVisual
Website: www.thebookcoverdesigners.com
62. The Frontispiece
Website: www.thefrontispiece.com
63. Hyde Book Design
Website: www.henryhyde.co.uk
64. Duffy
Website: www.lauraduffydesign.com
65. River Book Cover Design Fiction and Non-fiction
Website: www.riverdesignbooks.com
66. Fantasy Book Cover Design
Website: www.fantasybookcoverdesign.com
67. W.S.D.G. Book Design
Website: www.wsdgbooks.com
68. MIBL Art
Website: www.miblart.com
69. Working Type Studio
Website: www.workingtype.com.au
70. Lance Buckley Design
Website: www.lancebuckley.com
71. Hidden Gems Book Cover Design
Website: www.hiddengemsbooks.com
72. I Love My Cover
Website: www.ilovemycover.com
73. Juan Padron
Website: www.juanjpadron.com
74. Clarity Book Cover Design
Website: www.claritybookcoverdesigns.com
75. Greg Simanson Design
Website: www.simansondesign.com
76. Book Covers For You
Website: www.bookcoversforyou.com
77. Aidana WillowRaven
Website: www.willowraven-weebly-com
78. Lopez, Graphic Designer
Website: www.sandrasdesigns.wixsite.com
79. Rocking Book Covers
Website: www.rockingbookcovers.com
80. Jon Stubbington – Artist and illustrator
Website: www.jonstubbington.com
81. Cover to Upload
Website: www.covertoupload.com
82. Premade Ebook Cover Shop
Website: www.premadeebookcovershop.com
83. Covermint Design
Website: www.covermint.design
84. Authors On A Dime
Website: www.authorsonadime.com
85. Stephanie Queen
Website: www.stephaniequeen.com
86. Phoenix Moirai
Website: www.phoenixmoirai.com
87. MAP Systems
Website: www.mapsystemsindia.com
88. Professional cover design services | PGBS
Website: www.proglobalbusinesssolutions.com
89. Zoe Norvell
Website: www.zoenorvell.com
90. Nelson Suit
Website: www.wordcaper.com
91. Van-garde Imagenary, Inc.
Website: www.van-garde.com
92. Tugboat Design
Website: www.tugboatdesign.net
93. Torrie Cooney
Website: www.torriecooney.com
94. Steve Brown IIlustration
Website: www.stevebrownillustration.co.uk
95. Stephen Hickman
Website: www.stephenhickman.com
96. Splendid Photography
Website: www.splendidphotography.co.uk
97. So Loud Media
Website: www.soloudmedia.com
98. Six Penny Graphics
Website: www.sixpennygraphics.com
99. Sinem Erkas
Website: www.sinemerkas.com
100. Sara Wood
Website: www.sara-wood.com
101. Elaine Gignilliant
Website: www.romancebookcoverart.com
102. P.S. Brooks
Website: www.psbrooks.com
103. The Painter’s Keys
Website: www.painterskeys.com
104. Ness Graphica
Website: www.nessgraphica.com
105. Mindstir Media
Website: www.mindstirmedia.com
106. Longfeather Book Design
Website: www.longfeatherbookdesign.com
107. Lizzy Bromley
Website: www.lizzybromley.com
108. KS Designers
Website: www.ksdesigners.com
109. Kirsten Shiel
Website: www.kirstenshiel.com
110. JudgebymyCovers
Website: www.judgebymycovers.com
111. Jimmy Ball
Website: www.jimmyball.com
112. Jennifer Heuer
Website: www.jenniferheuer.com
113. Jennifer Carrow Design
Website: www.jennifercarrow.com
114. JD&J Book Cover Design
Website: www.jdandj.com
115. Janet Hansen
Website: www.janet-hansen.com
116. Jacolyn Wingo
Website: www.jacolynwingo.com
117. Jaad Book Design
Website: www.jaadbookdesign.com
118. Isabel Urbina Pena
Website: www.isabelurbinapena.com
119. Indie Designz
Website: www.indiedesignz.com
120. Illumination Graphics
Website: www.illuminationgraphics.com
121. Hoehne-Werner Design
Website: www.heyneon.com
122. RLD
Website: www.gobookcoverdesign.com
123. Howard David Johnson
Website: www.howarddavidjohnson.com
124. Freado
Website: www.freado.com
125. Expert Subjects
Website: www.expertsubjects.com
126. Emily Stepp
Website: www.emilystepp.com
127. Emily Mahon
Website: www.emilymahon.com
128. Elena Giavaldi
Website: www.elenagiavaldi.com
129. Elder Lemon Design
Website: www.elderlemondesign.com
130. Erin Fitzsimmons
Website: www.efitzdesign.com
131.Dunn Associates
Website: www.dunn-design.com
132. Duck of All Trades
Website: www.duckofalltrades.com
133. Albertine Book Design
Website: www.dotdesign.net
134. Dean Harkness
Website: www.deanharkness.co.uk
135. Partners & Crime Mystery Booksellers
Website: www.crimepays.com
136. Creative Paramita
Website: www.creativeparamita.com
137. Your Dreams
Website: www.coveryourdreams.net
138. Cover to Cover Designs
Website: www.covertocoverdesigns.com
139. Cover Quill
Website: www.coverquill.com
140. Cover&Layout
Website: www.coverandlayout.com
141. Skeats
Website: www.clareskeats.co.uk
142. Casalino Design Inc
Website: www.catherinecasalino.com
143. Ana Grigoriu
Website: www.books-design.com
144. Bookfly Design
Website: www.bookflydesign.com
145. Book Cover Models
Website: www.bookcovermodels.com
146. Book Cover Express
Website: www.bookcoverexpress.com
147. Anne Jordan
Website: www.annatype.com
148. Allison Saltzman
Website: www.allisonsaltzman.com
149. Alison Forner Design
Website: www.alisonforner.com
150. Aldrich Design
Website: www.aldrichdesign.com
151. Abacus Graphics
Website: www.abacusgraphics.com
152. Themes by bavotasan.com
Website: www.themes.bavotasan.com
153. Sara Lynn Cramb
Website: www.saralynncreative.com
154. RavenFire Media
Website: www.raelori.wix.com
155. Peculiar Perspective Design
Website: www.peculiarperspective.wix.com
156. Mayfly Design
Website: www.mayflydesign.com
157. Lucy Ruth Cummins
Website: www.lucyruthcummins.squarespace.com
158. Linda Huang
Website: www.linda-huang.com
159. Bookwise Design
Website: www.bookwisedesign.com
160. Kisscut Design
Website: www.kisscutdesign.com
161. Kimberly Glyder
Website: www.kimberlyglyder.com
162. Kelly Blair
Website: www.kellyblair.com
163. Karen Horton
Website: www.karen-horton.squarespace.com
164. Jo Walker Book Design
Website: www.jowalkerbookdesign.tumblr.com
165. Joan Wong
Website: www.joan-wong.com
166. Jessica Sullivan Design
Website: www.jessicasullivandesign.com
167. Jenny Grigg
Website: www.jennygrigg.com
168. Jaya Miceli
Website: www.jayamiceli.com
169. Ingrid Paulson
Website: www.ingridpaulson.com
170. Humble Nations
Website: www.humblenations.com
171. Gabriele Wilson
Website: www.gabrielewilson.com
172. Extended Imagery
Website: www.extendedimagery.com
173. Ebook Covers
Website: www.ebookindiecovers.com
174. Duncan Long
Website: www.duncanlong.com
175. Designs By Charisma
Website: www.designsbycharisma.yolasite.com
176. Dave Dorman
Website: www.davedorman.com
177. Charlotte Strick
Website: www.charlottestrick.com
178. Coralie Bickford-Smith
Website: www.cb-smith.com
179. Eleanor Crow
Website: www.cargocollective.com
180. Cabin
Website: www.cabinlondon.co.uk
181. The Book Design House
Website: www.thebookdesignhouse.com
182. Book Covers ForAll
Website: www.bookcoversforall.com
183. Barbara de Wilde
Website: www.barbaradewilde.com
184. Anaphora Literary Press
Website: www.anaphoraliterary.com
185. 99designs
Website: www.99designs.com
186. 2Faced Design
Website: www.2faceddesign.com
187. Reedsy
Website: www.reedsy.com
Reedsy is actually a marketplace that connects authors with cover designers (as well as editors, book marketers, and other service providers). However, their designers are top-notch, so check them out if you don’t find a designer you like from this list.
If you liked this post, here are some other articles you might love:
- How to Find the Best Book Cover Designers with Examples and Step-by-Step Instructions
- 5 Tips to Create an Attractive Book Cover
- 037: Designing Beautiful Ebook Covers That Sell with Derek Murphy
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