While the cover of a book may get all the glory, the interior layout is equally (if not more) important than cover design. After all, the pages are what readers experience as they read the book. This tutorial will give you the basic tools you need to start formatting your book using InDesign. How to Lay Out Your Book in InDesign Before you begin your book layout, you’ll need a complete manuscript. Manuscripts can be created using any word processing application—make sure to complete all edits and apply character and paragraph styles prior to beginning your design. You’ll also need to figure out where and in what order to place the front matter, such as a table of contents, copyright page , foreword, preface, introduction, etc., as well as the back matter, such as an author page, glossary , appendix , index , etc. Use already published books as a reference to figure out how you want to sequence these sections. Follow these simple steps to create and lay out your book using InDesign...